EU-CIVCAP was a Horizon 2020 project from 2016 to 2018. It provided a comprehensive, comparative and multidisciplinary analysis of the EU’s capabilities in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in order to identify existing shortfalls.

This website is an archive of the project’s outputs and was correct as of the project end date (30 November 2018). The website is no longer updated.

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EU-CIVCAP’s Objectives


To assess EU civilian capabilities for external conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


To identify and document lessons learned and best practices in EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


To enhance future policy practice and research on EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

EU-CIVCAP’s Mission:

The project will gather, synthesise, further develop and disseminate knowledge and learning on civilian conflict prevention and peacebuilding. This will be done through, inter alia, the development of a catalogue of lessons learned and best practices reports, the creation of an expert network, engagement through social media, and the organisation of dissemination events in different formats in this area.

Read the latest news from the project

University of Bristol

University of Aberdeen

Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

Centre for European Policy Studies

Conciliation Resources

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office

European Union Satellite Centre

Istituto Affari Internazionali

Maastricht University

Roskilde University

Royal Danish Defence College

Transparency Solutions